Monday, February 28, 2011

Attack of the Spots

We finally had August's 1st birthday party this last weekend (the 19th) and it was a beautiful day - no snow!  But, the fun really began on Tuesday morning when August woke up with some weird spots all over him.  I took him to the doctor - but she didn't really know what was going on.  Well, Wednesday morning, his entire body looked like this:
...and it kept getting worse.  He wasn't bothered by it - and he didn't have any fever - just this crazy rash!  After trying the meds the doctor gave us, I went for a 2nd opinion.  Turns out, he's most likely allergic to penicillin.  I am too - but I don't get a rash like that!  Anyway - he had been on penicillin the week before for an ear infection.  Go figure.

In other news:  Here are a few pictures of the party weekend :)

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